Saturday, March 13, 2010

March Updates

So here we are in March and I've gotta tell you I am feeling great!!  My stomach is still bothering me so let's start with that first.  I found out I have a hiatal hernia which is when part of your stomach is actually up through your esophagus and when it gets inflamed, it causes pain.  Mine is super inflamed right now and I am taking double of my stomach medication to try to help this go away.  It is more exaggerated if I eat fried foods, fatty foods, chocolate, or caffeine.  So if I try to stay away from these things, I should be okay right??  Well I am trying, I will say that.  It will also help to lose weight, which duh, I could tell you that, but again, I'm working on that too! 

On to my next announcement.  Doctor's appointment at the beginning of March was another 5 pound loss.  So I have lost 10 pounds total now!!  Yeah for me!  I also have taken up water aerobics which are two days a week for an hour.  I love it!  I need to incorporate some more physical activity in there, but I really feel this is a great start to where I want to be.  So my goals for March are to keep up with the aerobics and then come April, I hope to see at least another five pounds gone away for good.  I am coming up on my 29th birthday in two weeks and I know that it's now or never for me to have the kind of life I desire and deserve for that matter.